Is Cold Email Marketing Dead? Need of Cold Email Marketing

by Ayhan K. Isaacs in January 11th, 2022
Is Cold Email Marketing Dead?

According to a recent study, out of every 100 people who have an email account, 99% open it every day to check what is happening. It is quite a bold statistic, and there is no doubt that email marketing is an efficient method to deliver your content for the products you want to sell. The only problem with email marketing is its output, which can be a bit off at times. 

If you have dealt with an unsuccessful email marketing campaign, the problem is not the customers. Instead, it is your tactics that bring about the downfall. Failed tactics are why nearly everyone opens their email but does not click on the branding link. 

Another study revealed that around 73 out of every 100 millennials prefer email as the mode of communication for conveying their marketing messages. In that case, you as a marketer need to dig deep and analyze your tactics and how you deliver content.

In this article, we will give you the answer to the question "is email marketing dead?" We will look at all the aspects that indicate why email marketing is not dead and the various dead tactics and practices. If you follow any of these, get rid of them immediately and kick start your email marketing campaigns in the right way.

Cold Email Marketing is not Dead!

Email marketing is not dead; your tactics are outdated. If your campaigns fail to give you desired results, you need to find out the problem areas and correct them as soon as possible. The reason can be your obsolete methods. Try to improve and comply with the new-age email strategies. Your email marketing campaigns give suitable outputs only when your tactics fall in place with the modern strategy. 

Cold Email Marketing is not Dead!

You need to study closely how your target audience reacts to the brand emails you send. Use email marketing tools to capture valuable campaign insights and utilize them to improve your strategies further. Implementing the latest techniques and tactics across all your email marketing campaigns is sure to give you great results.

So here's the list of some out-of-date tactics that you need to leave right now for your email marketing campaigns to be on point. In reality, these tactics are dead and not the whole idea of email marketing.

Email Marketing "Dead" Practices:

If you are not getting returns as expected, you might be using the old email marketing methods. We have compiled a list of all such practices that you should get over from at the earliest to gain better results and profits.

1) Subject Lines and Content that is not Personal:

Subject lines are a crucial part of an email as this is the first line of defense and the first thing to get noticed in an email. They directly determine the opening rate of the email. If the subject line is irrelevant, it can massively hamper your success rate. For an email to be successfully opened, the subject line should target the receiver's lifestyle and behavior. Using emojis are a great way to nurture the recipient's thought, and they would want to open the email considering the extra effort put into it. Again, the email content should be relevant and target the recipient's interests to have increased opening rates.

2) Failure to Comply with GDPR Standards:

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations that ensure the recipient has consented to receive marketing emails regularly. Following the GDPR standards makes it legal to send marketing emails. The sole motto of creating GDPR was to ensure that consumers' data is protected by the brands they have trusted with their personal information. 

Failure to Comply with GDPR Standards

As long as you comply with the GDPR standards, you are good to send marketing emails to your customers. If the email marketing tool or software does not comply with the above standard, it is time to change it and restore your effectiveness to stay ahead of the curve. 

3) Poor Email Templates that are not Mobile-friendly:

Today everyone uses mobile phones. However, designing and keeping your email templates fixed to the computer screens and laptops will automatically decrease the scope of your sent email. Using mobile-friendly email templates becomes essential as they increase your email's chances of opening it by the recipient. Since everyone wants to have their emails and promotions on the go, mobile-friendly emails are the need of the hour. You have lost an opportunity if you fail to capture your reader's attention the right way. So make sure your emails are well-designed for mobile devices.

Email Templates that are not Mobile-friendly

The older email templates were made for the bigger screens, and opening them on mobile phones was difficult. Today, mobile-compliant emails have better opening rates compared to other devices. 

4) Visual Designs that are Unpleasant:

Marketing emails should always be visually pleasant and interesting. Making bland and unattractive email templates can often turn the reader off, directly impacting your campaign. Therefore, as a marketer, you should think of something creative and attractive, something your readers would love to open. When the emails are visually pleasing, the reader would automatically be interested in the brand and want to read more and reach the CTA section.

Visual Designs

Again, consider making your CTA segment differently attractive. It will intrigue the reader's thoughts, and they would want to click on it to know more, leading to a successful email marketing campaign.

5) Metrics are not Used Strategically:

Metrics, numbers, and insights are a crucial part of any marketing campaign, be it small or large. More often than not, marketers ignore these metrics and implement the same age-old ideas for their campaigns. It eventually hampers development and does not bring any good. 

Metrics are not Used Strategically

Instead, consider using a powerful email marketing tool that gives you insights and metrics about every email you send within a campaign. Metrics form an integral part since it is the only measurement criteria that provide you with room for improvement. If you stop recording these numbers, your progress will come to a halt, and the tactics will fall apart. Therefore, consider recording and studying these insights regularly to improve your approach towards your customers. 

Why Cold Email Marketing?

Cold email marketing is still relevant throughout the global market and effectively promotes a brand. Here are some reasons why cold email marketing is vital for the success and development of the brand:

Why Cold Email Marketing?

1) It Helps in Recruiting:

Since email marketing is a method that reaches millions of people, you can find suitable jobs and employment solutions through it. If you create a suitable template and send it out to potential employees, they can apply for the mentioned role through the email itself, leading to successful recruitment. It is a great way to connect with the talent pool and creates vast opportunities for both parties.

2) It Helps in Generating Leads from Vast Areas:

The world is connected through the internet, and nearly every person has an email address today. Thus, reaching out to a global audience is easy through email marketing. All you need is a powerful email marketing tool; fill it up with necessary details like area metrics and others. It will automatically reach out to a broad audience globally, from where you can filter out the suitable leads.

Generating Leads from Vast Areas

3) It Helps in Networking:

As already mentioned, email marketing can reach millions and billions of people worldwide. Accordingly, these people can be connected within a network with email marketing at its core. This email marketing strategy holds a global scope and a lot of capability, making networking pretty easy and effective.

 Helps in Networking

4) Cold Email Marketing Helps You in Better Engagement with Customers:

As you can connect with potential customers and bring them into the trade with cold emails, email marketing also makes engagement easy and effective. You can keep regular contact and ask for their feedback once they are your customer. It creates valuable engagement and connection with the customers. Again, engaging with new customers is also easy when you want to make them a part of your promotional campaign.

5) You can Track Your Performance:

Monitoring your performance is easy with an email marketing tool as it gives you a complete insight into the numbers and metrics of the campaign. You can even track your performance while sending the marketing emails that account for the success rate, which is a crucial metric. These metrics can be further used to improve the quality of your future campaigns. 

Derive Your SaaS Revenue Using Growth Rhino:

Growth Rhino has emerged as one of the leading agencies for cold email marketing. We use extensive emailing methods and execute the best practices to derive maximum SaaS revenue for our customers. Being the pioneers in building cold email engines, we make sure you hit the right spot with successful email campaigns that bring in the best results and maximum profits.


The reason for your unsuccessful email campaigns is not because email marketing is dead- it's because you are not doing it the right way. Maybe your tactics are dying, and you need to switch to new hacks to achieve results. Take advantage of them before they lose their effectiveness. Every tactic has a shelf life, so be ready to accept the change and adapt new methods to perform better. 

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