SaaS Email Marketing Strategy That Generate Great Revenue

by Ayhan K. Isaacs in April 14th, 2021
SaaS Email Marketing Strategy

11 Best Email Marketing Tips to Maximize Your SaaS ROI

Today, emails have turned out to be one of the most powerful online tools to connect your content, brand, and products with your target audience. And, SaaS email marketing strategies play a big role in making it successful. With the right techniques in place, your emails can freely reach the relevant and engaged customer base within moments.

Constant monitoring, analyzing, and refining of the ongoing email campaigns is what SaaS email marketing helps you with, making it one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics. This involves using the latest email marketing techniques coupled with generously built communication plans to reach the prospects. 

So here are top email marketing tips to maximize the ROI of your SaaS email campaigns.

Setting Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is the key to make the most out of your email marketing campaigns. This will help you understand how well your approach is working over your target base. To achieve these goals, you must decide the crux of your email with a strong sense of urgency in such a way that your recipients are encouraged to take the desired action. So here are the key steps to create an impactful marketing email: 

  • Email content- Your goal should be reflected in your mail copy. You can make use of email marketing templates with a bit of personalization to reach your prospects. For example, if you are focused on getting a large number of sign-ups from your subscribers to a free trial, it is best to send the emails with all the details highlighted. This would also include the benefits they would receive on subscribing. If you want your free-trail user to be a paying customer, send them reasons to upgrade to premium plans.

  • Email recipient- Your SaaS marketing email should be curated in such a way that it fits your customers well. So your emails should be designed to suit the needs and requirements of your target audience. For instance, if you are looking to convert leads into customers, send them promotional emails but for your paying customers, you should craft emails to help them get the most out of your tool. 

  • CTA- Your goals, as well as your achievement plans, would determine what your call-to-action button would be. A “try for free” CTA button is going to be the most effective one in the case of potential subscribers. Likewise, there are various customizable CTAs to serve different purposes.

  • KPIs- This includes metrics to track and measure the effectiveness of your email marketing services. It will determine if your campaigns are bringing in the desired results. You can also track your email conversion rates to understand the metrics of your sales and increase them accordingly.

Spending Time Understanding the Target Market

understand target market

Knowing your targets isn’t just limited to knowing their names and addresses. Knowing more about their persona is what is going to help the business understand their needs and will help satisfy them better. Here are a few aspects that must be known about the targets you are sending your emails to:

  • Why did they subscribe to your emails in the first place?
  • What is the biggest pain point that you can help them with a solution?
  • What are their basic demographics?

Here’s how you can understand them better:

  • Check the source of customers signing up for your emails. Analytics is going to help you track the email clicks as well as the link clicks. This will also clarify their pain points.
  • Issue surveys to know best who is interested in your B2B email marketing services.
  • Track the emails they have lately been engaging with.

Tailoring Content for the Customer Journey

Customer Journey

Customizing your email copies while your leads are in their customer journeys is very important. For customers who are in the consideration stage right now, SaaS mails bearing your product highlights would serve the best purposes. You need to follow effective sequences to have your SaaS email marketing strategies hit the right strings.

  • Awareness- The mails are sent to let the customers know about the company’s existence or the new product or service launch.
  • Consideration- Here the customers are encouraged to take up more of the company’s products and services.
  • Purchase- These emails take the customers to their final purchase stage by helping them get to know the billing details and purchase benefit offers.
  • Retention- Emails try to hold back the customer and look forward to more sales through email conversions.

Automating Email Marketing for Quick Scale-up

To connect with the customer base on a personal level to increase the campaign’s effectiveness is still among the best email marketing strategy tips. Automating these email campaigns can speed up the whole process. These B2B email marketing services focus on sending emails based solely on the users’ behaviors, creating drip campaigns, and tracking the performance metrics of different email marketing campaigns. You can set the right time to send the emails, select what mail you would be sending, and can also modify the other parameters.

Using Branding at SaaS Buyer Journey Stages

The prospects interact with a lot of people in the organization through SaaS email marketing. To increase the chances of sales conversions, good branding practices must be followed to build your authority and credibility. This will reflect in your email consistency. For instance, emails bearing the same organizational authoritative signatures will not just display universal branding but will also create a sense of trust.

Sending both Informative and Promotional Emails

informative emails

Surveys and statistics have revealed two facts about these email marketing campaigns:

  • Only sending promotional mails will lead to rise in unsubscribing rates.
  • Only sending informative emails won’t help to scale up your revenues.

Therefore, there has to be a balance of promotional as well as informative emails to get your business going, revenue scaling, and long-term relationship building. With this, the business will also be positioned as a go-to guide to help the targets resolve their problems.

Creating Excitement with “What’s in it for Me” 

Selling your products will not affect your target audience unless they can assess the benefits they receive. Hence your SaaS email marketing strategy should always be to highlight what’s best for the customers and how they can benefit from the same. Tweaking simple lines into how your products and services are beneficial for the customers can help churn more sales conversions.

But this does not end here. You need to follow up with the analytics if the emails were opened, actions were taken, or if they were simply ignored. If this has been the case, it has to be rethought about what should be the course of action to increase the email clicks.

Allowing Receivers to Filter the Mails

The user preferences are a big turnaround point for every business that is using email marketing automation strategies. The users need to be allowed to fine-tune their email preferences and that would lead your business to achieve certain things like:

  • The engagement rate with your brand is going to increase on a very high note and this is going to be because they only receive the emails they want to. These brands interest them and their communication and interaction are going to get on the peak.
  • The SaaS campaign management also ensures that this tactic is going to help the business teams understand the target’s pain points better than ever and that is how you will be able to best resolve their issues. To achieve this on your business’ best potential, it is best to curate the content that aligns well with the customer’s preferences and the rates of conversion will increase likewise.

Curating the Best Content from your Industry

The business can only settle with the best campaigning strategies in place and collecting the best content from your industry is one of them. Taking relevant notes from the competitors’ content is going to help you curate your best shot. This would indicate that you care more about providing value rather than just promoting your product. Such emails will then add higher value to your conduct as a company. 

Clubbing the right email marketing strategies with custom content will ensure your maximum reach and credibility as a sender. This won’t consume a lot of energy or time.

Further, links to your website or the products can be directly added and attached to the mail. Links to your blog posts can also be attached and these might be the points to rekindle your recipient’s interests.

Incorporating Videos in Emails

videos in emails

Videos are the key to simplify even the most complex topics. This is a great email marketing tool to drive enormous sales. Your subscriber’s attention is just an attachment away; increasing engagement all the way, and building the best and long-term relations.

According to statistics, attaching videos are going to:

Another proven technique of using emails gracefully to shoot up the sales is by using powerful words. Using these words in your email campaigns can highly improve their performance. Usage of these words is sure to evoke emotional responses in the recipients and that is what encourages them to take action. These words are:

  • Invitation
  • Introducing
  • New
  • See
  • How to
  • Special
  • You/ Your
  • Update
  • Offer
  • Get
  • Join
  • Free

Reconsidering Inactive Subscribers

The inactive customers are the territory that is yet untouched. It requires the best email marketing strategies to drive results and many other different ways to tap that market. This territory might not be immediately requiring your services but definitely will sometime later or might have shown their interest a while back. This is the point where the emails might be sent to strengthen the business relationship with them and make efforts to push the products further. Here are a few tactics that can be used to increase the email conversion rate and re-engage the dormant customer base:

  • Ask catchy questions right at the beginning of the mail and that is the very first point of establishing contact. Your responses can easily be scaled up by using effective copywriting strategies.
  • Give limited-time yet exciting discounts that would entice the users to get back to the subscription models and the products.
  • Remind the users about the benefits they got while previously signing up for the products. These will be the reasons for their re-engagement.
  • Surveys and questionnaires are great ways to understand their reason for non-engagement with the emails the businesses have been sending.
  • Analyze the past activities of the users and their purchases to understand their exact inclination towards their interests. The business will definitely get an upper hand to curate content likewise.

With these 11 tips in mind and using advanced email marketing technologies, you are sure to win your email marketing game soon. You just need to do it the right way, which is sure to get you, new customers, while retaining the existing ones and building a loyal following. You can do this by using the right analytics that will post the engagement details right at your fingertips. 

Here, understanding the best week and time of the day is essential to increase the click-through rates. To validate these email marketing strategies, the business can also test run them before confirming and implementing them. The frequency of the emails is also very crucial for the success of these campaigns.

SaaS businesses can acquire great momentum when the right email marketing agency is consulted. This also helps businesses with the best email marketing tips. In this way, email marketing continues to deliver long standing results. However, you must update your strategies from time to time to improve your performance and business growth. 

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